
Gerbil Surgeries

I have had a couple of gerbils go in for surgery recently. A couple of months ago my little slate girl Zoey had a lump on her ear that was removed. I sent it in for lab work. It turned out to a melnoma (can't spell). She is perfect fine. The vet joked that now she is half doberman.

Our four year boy Buddy developed a abcess on his scent gland that got infected. The vet though at first it was tumor but it was a nasty abcess. He had to have stitches. The doctor prescribed Metacam antibiotic for his recovery. He came through great. healing nicely. Play with his boys. He is an older schimmel. His orange faded into white as he got older. The only indication of orange is at the base of his tail. He is "our" boy.


Gerbils, Hamsters and Knitting

Sorry it has been so long since I posted. The gerbil show was fantasic! My knitted gerbils and rats were a big hit. We came home with a new baby hammie named Fred. This is what Fed looked like when we got him home in May. My thumb has healed from all the knitting before the show. I am knitting again but not with as much fury. Now I am getting ready for the local fair and the fall craft shows. Here is a link to the crafts I have been working on this year. I recently finished up 2 knitted guinea pigs and a fun fur rat. I welcone you opinions on them.